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Cheongpoong cultural town, Hoban

Fourth view (Cheongpoong cultural town, Hoban)

Cheongpung Cultural Complex(4th Sight)


Following the stream of South-Han-River, you may go in a winding road. For a long time, our ancestors have endured weathering and you can meet Cheongpoong Cultural Town which shows the life and breathing of ancestors. In this place, you can be impressed with the stonework and wooden work. The Rock is moss-covered and a wild flower communion is beyond the indigo wave and blue sky. (Inquire for watching and reserving for culture and tourism).

Admission time

  • March - October 09:00 - 18:00
  • November - February 09:00 - 17:00
  • ※ Information : ☎ 641-5531,5532


Directions CAR
CAR Yeongdong highway Joongang highway Namje-river I.C 82nd Gukjido (Through Geumsung) Cheongpoong cultural town
CAR Yeongdong highway Interior highway of central part Gamgok I.C Jecheon 82nd Gukjido (Through Geumsung) Cheongpoong curtural town
CAR Cheongju, Jochiwon section (Using 38th national highway) Chungju Inner Jecheon-city 82nd Gukjido (Through Geumsung) Cheongpoong cultural town